Hooray! Bblog exists one year!

Exactly one year ago today, I clicked on ‘publish’ for the first time;. I had scored a domain name, found a host and installed wordpress. The real work could begin.

Not knowing that a year later I would have learned so much, so many fun things and I even have a few dear friends from it.

Hooray! Bblogt.nl exists one year!

Bblogt.nl already exists for another year. Time has gone by so fast and it feels like yesterday that I wrote my first blog. I also feel like I'm really still a beginner and still have so much I can and want to learn.

How it all started and what to expect?

Why did I start blogging?

In the summer of 2015, I was pregnant with the second and was really just looking for a fun hobby again. I was busy with the little man, we did a lot of crafts, experienced all kinds of things with the animals and all those things together I wanted to share on the world wide web. I thought I could make a blog. No sooner said than done.

While I was busy writing, fiddling with the layout, taking pictures’s, thinking of topics and crafting, I turned out to really like blogging after all. Where I started with two articles it quickly grew to ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred and now even 275 articles.

What blogging has brought me so far

Now a year later, Bblogt.nl really become a part of myself. Obviously I am very busy with my family, household and my animals but in the meantime my blog is constantly on my mind. Blogging has become so’s part of my life that there really is not a day goes by that I am not at least once a day busy with Bblogt.nl. My family will never ‘suffer’but it has brought us some really cool stuff. Besides the cool collaborations with various webshops and brands, which make the kids especially happy (read receiving cool review products) I also got to know a lot of nice people.

Inspiring people who can tell passionately about their profession, their brand, their product or their store. Fellow bloggers I keep learning new things from and not to forget my dear blogger friends I talk to every day. Sometimes even to the annoyance of the husband who wonders why I'm grinning behind my iphone now again.

How Bblogt.en the coming year continues

So you understand that I have no intention of stopping blogging for a long time yet. In the coming year I will continue to blog. So, on average, you will be able to find 4 to 5 articles per week on Bblogt again, as usual.nl. I try to share a cool DIY with you every week and of course the personal articles keep coming by as well.

I hope to do many great collaborations again this year to inspire and give ideas to my readers. Above all, I hope to get as much, or even more, pleasure out of writing as I have in the past year. And of course I hope you will read along as well!

Do not forget next weekend on Bblogt.watch! Then two cool win’s come online to celebrate the one year anniversary!!

Do you have any nice tips for articles, columns, diy’s? What would you like to see on Bblogt in the future.nl?


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