A look back at 2016 changes and growth

A look back at 2016 changes and growth

Like many of my blog colleague’s, I also like to look back on the past year through an article. In 2016 my blog changed names and my fan base grew (uche, uche). So today I share a little flashback with you and tip you off to some articles you really should have read.

2016 in a nutshell

In June this year, I celebrated the one-year anniversary of my blog, which at the time was still called Bblogt. I was proud that I had been blogging for a year because I never thought I would keep it up ‘so long’ so long. Blogging gives me so much energy that, a year and a half later, I'm still going strong. In this year the website got its own corporate identity and logo and in October I took the step to change the name to something a lot more recognizable.

Bblogt continued under the name Fulltime Mama.nl. To this day I am very happy with this because it also brought about a growth of my followers. So super cool.

Best read articles

So at the end of the year it is always nice to look back at the best read articles. At the end of 2015 I did the same thing. The article that was in first place then is now just there again.

In fact, this article is found several times a day via google. Number two is also not very crazy because that has been a huge hype. There are also a few personal articles and a nice peek inside.

Well and then we are almost into 2017. What will the new year bring us all?

Happy New Year dear readers!


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