Lovechock- Raw Chocolate in plastic-free packaging
Lovechock has been fighting for a world without plastic for years and has had an important mission since 2009: to make delicious, sustainable chocolate that truly contributes to the well-being of people and the planet. With success, because the chocolate brand has had plastic-free packaging for their chocolate for ten years now. Tasty and sustainable!
Pioneer in Plastic-free packaging
It’s Plastic free July and even though I’ve always been conscious of using less plastic, using sustainable packaging, recycling and thinking about the environment, I think it’s really good that extra attention is being paid to a plastic-free world. Just because I also keep discovering new products. Like Lovechock.
Lovechock has been a pioneer in plastic-free packaging for 10 years. Since 2011, their plastic-free packaging has already saved 22.910 kilograms of plastic saved. This equals the weight of five(!) adult elephants.
Sustainability and fair prices
Conscious living is one of the most important pillars at Lovechock: the brand wants to make the world a better place bit by bit with its products. That’s why they buy the cocoa directly from local farmer cooperatives (without middlemen, so the farmers get a fair price) and the chocolate is packaged in plastic-free packaging. For example, the foil is 100% compostable and the colorful wrapper is made of eco-friendly paper from sustainable forests.
Plastic-free packaging
The plastic-free foil Lovechock uses is made from wood cellulose from the eucalyptus tree. A highly sustainable solution, as research shows that materials made from cellulose fibers have less environmental impact than fossil fuel-based counterparts. In the process, wood cellulose film is 100 percent compostable: in home compost it completely decomposes within three months.
Plastic free July
To continue its strong commitment to people and planet, the chocolate brand has been embracing the Plastic Free July campaign for years now. This is an initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation and has been raising awareness of the enormous amounts of plastic waste we all consume since 2011. A necessary action, because from a bag at the supermarket to empty drinking bottles: without realizing it, we are throwing away plastic on a massive scale.
And this has a devastating effect on our wildlife, climate and nature.
About Loveschoc
Lovechock was founded in Amsterdam in 2009 out of passion for raw vegan food and was the first producer of raw chocolate in Europe. Since the beginning the company has had one main goal: to show that conscious eating can be really tasty. And that it is also possible to eat without having a guilty conscience.
When the founders of Lovechock stumbled upon the amazing properties of raw cacao in 2009, it was immediately clear: we have to make chocolate. But different. One that really contributes to the well-being of people and the planet in a sustainable way.
They decided to harness the natural power and many good minerals and flavonols of the superfruit raw cacao to make pure, real raw chocolate. Chocolate that is deliciously different and healthier. In short: Pure Goodness that nourishes body, mind and planet.
The Lovechock range now consists of 8 tablets and 11 bars in different flavors.
Pure Goodness it is
I was allowed a tablet of Sweet nibs & Sea salt try and sample some of the flavors of the bars. When the package arrived, the plastic-free packaging immediately made me happy. The packaging is sturdy, the foil is biodegradable and the ingredients are clearly listed on the packaging. Naas the tablet of 85% cocoa I tasted the bars Coconut Nibs, Dates & Nuts and Mulberry Crunch. The bars are Raw, Vegan and with 80% cacao or Vegan Milk.
Not only am I pleased with the sustainable packaging which is better for the environment, but also with the flavors of this chocolate. What is this flavor ‘pure’. You taste purely the cocoa and the additive added to the bar.
I have been carbohydrate restricted for some time now and a piece of Lovechock chocolate fits in perfectly with this diet because the bars are naturally sweetened with coconut blossom nectar, they are the perfect guilt-free snack. I really enjoy the full taste and this chocolate is also very well appreciated by my children.
Less plastic, you join too?
Lovechock has been fighting for years for a world without plastic. That’s why the chocolate brand is calling on everyone to participate in Plastic Free July. 31 days of living without (or at least as little as possible) plastic.
I already participate, I regularly receive advice and tips about using less plastic, living sustainably and working for a better environment. Join us?